Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Bob McKenzie: Johnson may retire

"Sources say Johnson may soon have to announce his retirement, but he is seeking secondary medical opinions to be sure."
I don't see how any doctor could clear him to play if another told him he couldn't. I've been skeptical of the whole Johnson deal all along but in reality, he would have been helpful to have (I'm still not convinced he was the
best acquistion the Wings could have made but anyway...) so it's a shame they would have his servises. The good news, though, is that his condition was noticed before another Fischer-like incident took place. Update (7:56 PM): According to Ansar Khan, Johnson didn't just go to any old Detroit heart clinic. It was the Mayo Clinic that didn't clear him. Good luck finding a contrary opinion, Greg. Khan also has more on the forwards situation so his blog post is worth a read.


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