Monday, July 07, 2003

The Dom Situation and a surprise from Denver

The official announcement on Dom's return is expected today. The news will come from Hasek's agent and probably not from Dom himself. I guess Dom doesn't have a literal no-trade clause but he might as well have one, with his personality. He most likely won't agree to play for another team. The Wings have to convince Joseph (or Hasek, if they can) to leave and get some kind of deal going with another team. The Wings probably won't get very much because the other teams know the Wings have to trade a goalie. Hopefully, the other teams won't get to smart and just do a fair trade for the value of the goalie, not try to take advantage of the situation the Wings are in. That'd be pretty low but typical business. The Wings need Sergei back if they really want to be safe. He has changed his mind in the past, maybe he will this time. There is a very good article, surprisingly enough, from the Denver Post that actually is against the Kariay/Selanne signings. The writer basically says the league should not allow the deal. I agree with him completely but that will never happen.


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